Cocoon II The Return

“Cocoon: The Return” begins with the return of Art (Don Ameche), Ben (Wilford Brimley) Mary (Maureen Stapleton), Joe (Hume Cronyn) return to Earth after five years of being with the Antareans. The aliens have returned to collect the rest of their hibernating cocoons at the bottom of the ocean that they believe are in danger due to an impending earthquake. Ben and his wife visit their families while Art and Joe visit Bernie (Jack Gilford) their friend who stayed on Earth and is still hanging in there. The three men forgetting what it is like on Earth push themselves too much and begin to feel their age catching up to them. Now a biological company has found one of the cocoons and is about to conduct research on it. With the help of their old friend Jack (Steve Guttenberg) they all sneak into the lab to try an attempt a daring rescue.