Shanghai Knights

The action-packed sequel to "Shanghai Noon", finds Chon Wang (Jackie Chan) and Roy O'Bannon (Owen Wilson) reluctantly back in action. Chon's father is the keeper of the Imperial Seal of China, and as far as he is concerned he no longer has a son. When he is suddenly attacked and killed and the imperial seal taken by Nelson Rathbone (Aidan Gillen), he gives his daughter a puzzle box and a note, which she in turn sends to her brother in America telling him that she has gone to London to track down Rathbone. Chon quickly heads for New York City in the hopes of gaining the help of his old partner O'Bannon, but finds that he has lost most of reward money from the rescue of the princess and has little interest in going of on another adventure. He changes his mind when Chon helps him out of a bind and he realizes that he might be better off leaving the country for a while. The two of them head off to London to join Chon's sister in the search for Rathbone and the Imperial Seal. They soon discover that Rathbone has greater plans than it seems and they must stop him before it is too late.